A long time about 2000 years ago king herod ruled judea (part of israel).
Sent a young girl in the north side of nazareth engaged to joseph a angel came called angel gabriel he said “peace be with you god blessed you and is pleased with you” you will have baby boy called Jesus son if God your cousin elizabeth will also be expecting a baby called john to welcome in Jesus
Joseph was worried because mary was expecting a baby before the marriage and was thinking about calling of the wedding but a angel appeared in joseph's dream don't be afraid mary was the chosen one the name of the baby is called jesus, jesus means saviour because he will save people.
Mary and Joseph traveled 70 miles bethlehem they were very slow because mary was due date for the baby is soon. Every place was full and taken then only place they could stay was with the animals
Mary gave birth and Rapped Jesus in a long cloth Jesus was put in a manger in the hills there were shepherds who looked after the sheep an angel said to be afraid to go find the baby.
Lets go to Bethlehem tell everyone about the new king and ro praise them.
When Jesus was born a brand new star appeared in the sky three wise men saw the bright star and guessed what it meant a new king was born with the brang gifts such as gold. And they followed the star they passed by king herod and told them about the new king herod got mad because he didnt wanna lose his jobs so he said “once you find him tell me so i could worship him” the wise men thought nothing of it. Once they gave the gifts they were suspicious of herod so they did not go back.
King herod said to kill everyone under 2 king herod died but luckily joseph had a dream and a angel appeared and said king herod wants to kill jesus go back to nazareth sso the angel said go back to israel so he took mary and jesus to israel but he found out herod son was new king and scared so they went to galilee and stayed there.
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