Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Fairness and Justice Word Cloud

This is my Word Cloud on Fairness and Justice. I show Fairness and Justice by letting people go first and ahead of me when I am lining up


  1. Hi Helina, I like how you made yourself as a word cloud on that website. I used that website and posted learning onto my blog.
    Did you make this word cloud by yourself? or did someone help you?
    Look at my blog:

    Ken P

  2. hi Helina,
    I think that your word cloud on your blog has lots of interesting words. I made one like yours but without the detail. Which colour did you like the most? black or brown. Keep up the good work.
    From Timnet

  3. Hi Helina I like the way what you have done with your word art keep up the good work. from Koloa
